New EU Law to Stop Greenwashing

EU is finalising new laws that will stop greenwashing. The EU’s proposal for its Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition directive, has listed specific terms which companies will be precluded from using unless they can substantiate the claims.

Many industries will be affected if the new regulations are approved, such as food and retail, the travel industry (including aviation), fashion and clothing brands, and this will also include technology and appliance sectors.

Gilles Dufrasne, global policy lead at Carbon Market Watch stated:” The EU is sending a powerful signal to the voluntary carbon market.”

Some of terms that the EU Parliament and Council are proposing to ban include generic environmental claims of the following:

  • Carbon-neutral

  • Climate-neutral

  • Environmentally friendly

  • Eco-friendly

  • Eco

  • Green

  • Natural

  • Biodegradable

  • Carbon-friendly

  • Carbon-positive

  • Energy-efficient

  • Bio-based

  • Biodegradable

  • Nature’s friend

  • Ecological

  • Environmentally correct

  • Gentle on the environment

  • Broader statements including the words ‘conscious’ and ‘responsive’

Such terms will be banned unless the company can prove that they are in compliance with EU regulations and green labelling schemes.

Will Carbon LCA Certified be able to certify you still?

Yes, Here At Carbon LCA Certified, all our claims of carbon neutral and net zero are underpinned by accredited life cycle assessments performed in accordance with strictest adherence to International Standard Organization (ISO) Standards and in particular:

•         ISO 14040-14044 - The standards guiding LCA

•         ISO 14067 - Carbon Footprint

•         ISO 14025 - Environmental labels and Declarations

All claims made by Carbon LCA Certified are criticially reviewed by a third party.

If we certify you as net zero or carbon neutral you will be permitted to use such a label.

It is expected that the legislation will pass in November - watch this space!

*This image is the proprietary interest of Carbon LCA Certified©️.


Green Queen:


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