Life Cycle Assessment

What is a Life Cycle Assessment?

All business activities, products and services have an impact on the environment. An LCA is an internationally standardised methodology which quantifies those impacts across all stages of a product or business life cycle. Typically, the results of an LCA are presented in terms of Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
An LCA is carried out in accordance with the Standards ISO 14040-14044 and typically contains the following sections:

  1.  Definition of objectives, system boundaries and scopes

  2. Life Cycle Inventory - material & energy used, and generated emissions  

  3. Impact assessment

  4. Interpretation of results

Our Life Cycle Assessment Stages

An LCA considers the life cycle of processes and products. This is typically divided into the following stages:

  1. Extraction of raw materials

  2. Processing and manufacture of products

  3. Product distribution

  4. Product utilisation

  5. End of life disposal/recycling

Carbon LCA Certified Process Steps™