Why not give a few $$$ to the planet instead of the ATO?

Start the three-step process in making a sustainable decision for your business that can have positive ramifications for your business’ corporate social responsibility and the environment.

1. Spend on a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), starting your organisation ‘On the Path to Net Zero’.

Instead of paying more tax this EOFY, schedule a Carbon Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with Dr Les. Dr Les uses internationally recognised and standardised methodology for an LCA which allows your organisation to quantify the impacts of your business operations across all stages of a product or business life cycle. Typically, the results of an LCA are presented in terms of Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

By learning about your organisation’s carbon emissions, you can put in place the mechanisms to be certified as carbon neutral or on the path to net zero. Creating your sustainability goals now, can assist your business’ profitability tomorrow.

2. Energy efficient updates

As of 30 April 2023, the Australian Government announced it will incentivise businesses with an annual turnover of less than $50 million with an additional 20% deductions on spending by supporting the use of more efficient use of energy.

This incentive will allow up to $100,000 of total expenditure will be eligible for the incentive, with the maximum bonus tax deduction being $20,000 per business. In order for businesses to be eligible for this incentive, the upgrades will need to be installed by 30 June 2024.

3. Contribute to biodiversity and support organisations committed to climate action whilst receiving a tax write off.

There are various ways in which to make a difference to the planet and cut your tax.

Some organisations that are taking a practical approach to climate action, we take a look at some organisations that are inciting positive change and are also tax deductible.

How does it work?

According to the Australian Tax Office, “gifts to environmental organisations may be tax deductible if they are endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR)”, essentially meaning if you donate to environmental organisations that are recognised as such and involved in land, wildlife and rainforest conservation, you can have this refunded in your tax return.

Advocating for a greener future has never been easier by making a tax deductible donation to a charity recognised as being good for the planet and also reducing the $$$ you pay to your taxable income. In addition, if you donate to these organisations before the 30th June, you could have your tax back as quickly as July!

A.    GreenPeace

One way to reduce your tax and participate in climate action is to donate to organisations that protect our planet such as GreenPeace. GreenPeace advocates for oceans, forests, the climate by ensuring Australia transitions to a safe and clean renewable energy. You can make tax-deductible donation to GreenPeace and secure a safe future for Australia.

B.    Greenfleet

Your organisation can join the fight against climate change by donating before June 30 to Greenfleet. Greenfleet plants legally protected native forests in Australia and New Zealand to assist with the creation of biodiversity, create viable habitats for koalas, and native animals, as well as supporting reforestation.

Greenfleet is a Deductible Gift Recipient organisation. All donations and offsets of $2 or more are tax deductible in Australia.

C.    Environmental Defenders Office

If you are interested in advancing more groundbreaking cases and delivering legal advice to court cases defending our wildlife and climate, and helping to invest in the design of better laws, and empowering communities to protect our planet using the law, then this may be the organisation you can donate to.

Your tax-deductible donation can assist in the protection of climate and wildlife, through empowering legal work.

End the financial year with a sustainable decision before 30 June 2024.

If you are interested in sustainable choices for your business. Click through to our LCA Certification Webpage now, and we'll get you started with a complimentary LCA Scoping session today.


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